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SaveMeta [ios script via shortcuts app]

Description: when exporting voicemails to iCloud Drive, Apple requires you to name the files manually with a starting template of "voicemail-1", for instance.

SaveVMeta offers you the ability to utilize this iOS Shortcut to pull/captura the the metadata from the Share Sheet screen and name the file accordingly along with it's meta-data, such as sender and time voicemail was received, prior to sending it along to iCloud.

I don't believe the previous version of this script received the attention it deserves. I see many posts on the web looking exactly to restore this feature, that existed, if I'm recalling correctly from iOS 8-12. For some reason Apple removed it. This script restores that functionality. The new version of this script has been renamed SaveVMeta (previously SaveVM), to offer a more intuitive descriptor of what it does and it's function. Specifically, it exports voicemail with the number/contact's name, and received voicemail timestamp, metadata; in portmanteau fashion.

Script: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/2c0b4427e1cb49aca63b8370b59dd7cf

I'm open to any feedback, suggestions, and (optional) donations - if you're feeling generous! I'll also take your bug reports and do my best to assist!