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SaveMeta [ios script via shortcuts app]

SaveMeta [ios script via shortcuts app]

Description: when exporting voicemails to iCloud Drive, Apple requires you to name the files manually with a starting template of "voicemail-1", for instance.

SaveVMeta offers you the ability to utilize this iOS Shortcut to pull/captura the the metadata from the Share Sheet screen and name the fil...

25th May 2023


What is JPEG2AirDrop?

As its name implies: JPEG2AirDrop is an iOS 'Home Screen' Shortcut that converts user-selected 'High Efficiency' (.HEIC format) photos into 'High Compatibility (.JPEG format) and redirects the user to the 'Share Sheet' UI interface of iOS for quick sharing/export via: AirDrop...

24th Oct 2022