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SaveVM v1.0

Somewhere along the way, Apple removed one of the best features of iOS, the ability to export voicemails to iCloud/Files and automatically name the exported voicemail file with the caller’s name/phone number and timestamp. After years of waiting, it’s clear that Apple will never bring this feature back and instead name voicemails something generically unhelpful (ie. voicemail-xx.m4a). This script allows you to backup voicemails for contacts who appear in your phone book and use your voice to repeat the date. I recommend reading of mm.dd.yy quickly without pause during the dictation. You can always rename it, if speech to text doesn’t translate properly.

This Shortcut at least, in part, simplifies the workflow of backing up, and exporting these voicemails to iCloud for any contacts that are listed within your address book. That should include most and cover the most important messages and callers. If you opt to do it, you can always add others to your Contacts manually, or setup a catchall blank contact for any miscellaneous callers and then go back and rename them as they are exported. I hope this script helps streamline this workflow and hopefully one day Apple will get off their ass and stop nuking features that didn't need changing and already worked quite well... but that's Apple for ya!

Download Link

Script Name Author Author Website iCloud Link to Download Shortcut
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