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Feb 9th 2024 FF7 Rebirth/Reunion Theory: Zack+Vincent's Intertwining Fates (It's all about the hair... man!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhXbAz569cs

Feb 1st 2024: In short, I am putting together a bit of a mind-bending FF7 Theory video. Something that I have been sitting on since 2006.

The release of Final Fantasy VII Remake in April of 2020 renewed my interest in the theory. My two best friends can attest during that time and the 6-months that followed, the theory sounded somewhat unintelligable - given it it seemed like a wild, and far-out-there theory. However, after revisiting The Final Fantasy VII Compilation (mainline canon titles) by playing them again along with reviewing/cataloging/combing over all of their respective cutscenes and piecing them together that something began to take definitive shape in a way that was articulate. Not just the simple "this character is this character" with a few seemingly spirilous examples to share at a given moment.

Ultimately, what provoked me to work from mere concept, into execution was speaking with Audity in detail about it, nearly 8 weeks ago (and the formation of an outline). These were the early tangible form of concept here. From there, what solidified and acted as a catalyst to produce and execute on an actual production-worthy theory video, was the release of certain pieces of key art and additional trailers that further convinced me that something was there.

I'm not wanting to get too far ahead of myself here... hence why I'm being intentionally vague at this point. I'm expecting that I'll finish production on the video within the next 5 days (at most 7) - having already put in one full week into piecing the puzzle together in a way that I personally hope is compelling to others. Interestingly enough, the idea initially arose even before the release of Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus, starting with the Last Order Final Fantasy VII anime.

After the fact, looking back from all of my research throughout the years, only one other user asked this question and users on GameFAQs were readily available to quickly dismiss this theory, due to overt/obvious forms of conflicting information. Which means, when people hear the theory... I expect they will be very dismissive, but I hope not hostile nor that they will dismiss my analysis as trolling. Personally, I believe the content speaks for itself, but I will follow-up with an analysis after the presentation. I really cannot provide anymore detail at this time, until the theory video drops.

Audity knows Bltzz in some capacity, so we plan to release it. Inform him of its release and host a theory watch party, what we're effectually calling "The Li(v)fe Stream" or more simply "Livfre stream" where we will watch the video and follow-up with additional commentary, analysis, questions and answers. I am hoping this new form of theory breaks the mold from thousands of other theory videos that are all prediciting different, yet ultimately similar outcomes (minus a differential of a few major/minor details). No, this theory video is a wild ride and I hope everyone will approach it with an open-mind and decide for themselves if I might have discovered a hidden detail that has been flying under our noses all of these years.

I plan to update and append to this post once the theory video has been published. Please stay tuned. I cannot wait to share the fruits of my hard labor. Special thanks to Audity and iscotz for their assistance with the video. I hope both will be able to attend once the video is announced and we actually schedule the watch party, which will be linked in the video description for all of those interested.

Your fellow, deep and passionate FF7 fan, Zach